It was brilliant. My 1st post, here, explains the class in more detail.
This post covers the prompts from day 8 through to day 30.
There were actually 31 days recorded & the last day was 'show & tell which I'll do as another blog post later this month.
This was my least favourite day.
I had been adding to my stories daily as the daily prompts went on & I feel I need to apologise to day 8 as I got so carried away with days 9 thru 12 that I didn’t even post a pic of any of the maps I coloured in that day !
Once we got to day 9 & it became about botanicals, I was swooped up in the pleasure of exploring more ways of creating maps.
We talk about this concept often. We call them portraits of place.
Day 9 Explore a leaf
The leaves were gathered from plants on the driveway.
Day 10 Look Up, look down
Collage made using photos from a walk on our driveway
Our driveway is rough terrain so mostly I tend to look down when I'm walking on it.
wow looking up is really worth it though.
This was a real pleasure.
It is so absolutely enjoyable creating with limitations.
I find it expansive rather than constrictive.
It’s simple - no decision fatigue.
One big white piece of paper, one big sharpie, one A4 copy of a screen print I did last year, an exacto knife & a metal ruler.
Day 12 Make a moveable map
All the maps were made using photographs taken on an evening walk up & down our driveway.
Day 13 Limit your colour
I love this old fusty, smelly cell biology book I found in the op shop at Waihi Beach.
Of course I chose blue!
Day 14 Use Rope
this was about looking & seeing maps in less usual places, creating random pathways . . .
Day 16 Mind Map
. . . which then become a way to connect random thoughts & create whimsical maps of places in mind
Day 17 Re-map the world
we’ve had such a strange summer with colder than usual ocean temps which has meant I have only had 2 swims in the ocean which is why MY map looks like tropical islands !!!
Day 18 Photo safari
Sky maps, tidelines & plant growth patterns give us (the viewer) information about what’s happening around us. These maps are transient however no less important than the more traditional permanent records.
Day 19 Morning map
It seems that on this particular day my morning revolved around the coffee pot, toaster & the washing machine could’ve been worse …
Day 20 Aerial views
Took me a million years to find a view that I thought I’d be able to paint & I'm pretty chuffed about this one in watercolour as it's the first 'painting' I've ever done. I use watercolours to make shapes & background & generally love the randomness of letting them freely interact
The image is from @dailyoverview on IG; definitely worth a look if you're on IG
Day 21 Map a poem
Perhaps more an illustration than a map of this superb poem, Insurance taken out to protect a friendship from ending by Glenn Colquhoun.
I see this version as a prototype for more so I’m quite excited about that.
Day 22 From here to there
Katikati is a gem of a town. We stayed in a beautiful little cottage set in an avocado orchard & walked part of this Haiku Pathway the next morning.
I have 2 versions of this map, neither are photographed here actually, one isn't finished yet.
I actually found it quite difficult to do this scrap map - too analytical I think
Day 24 Reduction map
Cutting things out with an exacto blade is my new favourite pastime.
Made a cool map too
Day 25 Map of omission
More a map of gentle reminders than ommissions
Day 26 Stacked map
Cell Biology for the win !
Took me ages to work out what I was going to do with this prompt as I found myself unable to put the disparate elements together. When I got home form holiday & revisited what I had already made the idea literally flew of the page at me &, must admit, I love it.
Day 27 Life timeline
Seriously 😑 all my life !?! so.many.questions
Along the sewn line it actually reads: asking questions asking questions always always asking questions
Day 28 Emotional timeline
Yep ! it’s a big ole shamozles in my world and yet there are constants no matter where, when or who I’m being
Day 29 Folding for fun
So simple such a great way to quickly & easily change perspective.
One pic does this no justice. You really need to try it for yourself.
Day 30 Topographical Portrait
Best thing I’ve ever created & here’s a topographic portrait of her.
I especially love her smiling eyes.
This is the best class I have ever taken part in & I’m so sad it’s over
It’s been magic & I know I will revisit it in the future
So what’s next for me ?
I’m seriously considering topographic family portraits … maybe even stitched
also. . .
. . .I can no longer look at the world without contemplating making a map ;)
Sal x