Well it's happened & it was inevitable.
Instagram was never gonna stay in this magical form that we all know & love (& use for free I might add)
It's a business & it's owned by Facebook
& that's 'it' in a nutshell.
It's a business.
A business that wants to make money & that is absolutely OK.
They can (and will) do whatever they want so that's it team … the honeymoon is over !
Let's just see what the changes are & either accept them & work with them or leave them.
Seems obvious to me really.
The only thing we have control over is our choice to use the platform or not.
So I'm embracing the change, I love change.
I'm taking the opportunity to set up an email newsletter list which will enable me to stay in touch with those of you who are interested in what we're up to, what's happening in the world we live in & what we're making.
And you know what ?
I am really looking forward to sharing with you.
I love our world.
I love the thought of being able to connect you to our world through the stories I tell, the photos I share & the things I make.
It's all pretty simple stuff but I think you'll love it too & I hope it makes you smile or peaks your interest or perhaps in a particularly nostalgic way, maybe even makes you cry.
Let's do this together, let's take our relationship to another level . . . . on another platform !
Cross my heart, I'll be committed to you & look after you but rest assured there will be change, that's part of life.
"Time may change me
But I can't trace time"
sign up below & I'll hop over for a chat with you at the end of each month
talk soon
Sal xx