He asked us if we would consider placing the bush remnants on the property under a QE2 covenant. He explained what that meant, why that might appropriate & how the process worked should we decide to do it.
I don’t remember everything he said but I do remember his gentle manner, his passion & his enthusiasm for preservation and restoration of New Zealand native bush remnants on the Taranaki ring plain.
Long story short; there is now a covenant on our property which will stay on the title in perpetuity. With that covenant comes conditions & responsibilities of care that we are happy to undertake.
Subsequent to meeting him we have met some of the most wonderful people in our part of Taranaki - all of whom go about their lives & their conservation work in a quiet, gentle & consistent manner which is evidenced by the positive impact of what they do.
It’s also about gratitude for those we have met along the way who have shared, unstintingly, their passion & enthusiasm for this important kaupapa.
It's about those who work quietly & consistently, encouraging & assisting others to make positive change in their small corner of their world.
It’s about shared values.
It's about the child-like delight which comes with every discovery.
It's about the joy of birdsong & finding seedlings of plants which are meant to be here.
It's about love & laughter & life.