under his tree
after his passing
now formed into a beautiful vessel
a place for water to swirl
or to contain fire as Lou himself would have done
para planted in the gully to the west
kahikatea planted in the gully to the east
kōwhai in a row
one for each of us
signifying home
pūriri timber
rescued from the firewood pile
shaped & sanded into a landform
remembering a time past
layers below where we now walk
a strong & pungent signature of the tree
unexpectedly a soft yellow
strangely unlike it's own flowers
or leaves
or bark
mixed with water & gently heated
immersing a few fibres
exploring the possibility of colour
a fortuitous find of an historic article
with scant reference to altering the pH
by rolling in ash
hesitantly adding the ash water
& immediately falling in love
celebrating a new found knowledge
heart heavy with the absence of our friend
unable to share in person the joy & the triumph
forever grateful
despite the brevity
for a truely magical friendship
waiata of farewell
floating languidly on the wind