- Reflections in raindrops on spiderwebs are upside down
- Nursery web spiders (Dolomedes minor) are indigenous to Aotearoa NZ. They construct their web to house (nurse) their egg sac, which they have likely been carrying around for 5 weeks prior to this. The spiderlings hatch within a week or so & balloon off to new locations on a silky thread.
- Stick insects moult & if you're lucky, you get to see !
- The Kahikatea we planted when our niece was born is now 12 years old & this year had cones . . . which means he's male.
- The leaves of english walnut trees smell of pineapple & sage & lemongrass & citrus and in the warm late afternoon air, the smell sits in gorgeous little pockets that we walk in to & out of . . .
- The flower of the Putaputaweta is tiny - this is the first time our tree has flowered.
- Yarrow - this rogue pink one is my favourite.
- Sun orchid - apparently 'common'. Every year it's a delight to see them. I remember when we only had 1!
- Lesser stitchwort - my favourite dainty little star like flower. Stellaria graminea is her botanical name
- We have 2 plums on the tree this year. They have never before made it this far . . .
- Our tallest native tree starts as our tiniest & I cried (with joy) when I found her in the gully.
- Ruru at sunset sitting on stone sculptures will never get old.